Tuesday night was a highlight moment of my teaching career. I hosted the first “Kids Healing Crohn’s/Colitis Support Group”. Nothing like this has ever been done before. There are 6 families participating in this newly formed group. Four of them attended the potluck and informational gathering. Some of the parents are new to the program and some have been practicing for awhile but they all have a lot in common. Their daughters are all around the same age ....preteens and they all were desperately searching for a way to save their daughters from the ravishes of Crohn's and Colitis.
At first, we all introduced ourselves and had some light chit chat, but before we knew it the conversation turned into a deep connection. It was heartwarming to watch the kids bond with each other as well as the parents. The evening was filled with tear filled stories of each others' journeys, of desperate hospital moments, and of the frantic searches for answers for their ailing children. It wasn't until they found my book or through a maze of contacts were referred to me, did they learn about macrobiotics as a possible resource. Now, here they all were experiencing their children’s health improving from day to day.
It was an emotional evening, but we all embraced the laughter as we heard the chatter and fun that came from the upstairs room where the girls were enthralled in their games and it was then that my vision for the support group had manifested. This is what is needed, a safe place, a place to share with likeminded people headed toward the same goal of creating a healthy lifestyle. Through the support of one another, these parents have been filled with hope and expectations instead of fear and desperation. They realize they are not alone and there is an answer to this degenerative disease by taking action to educate themselves and implement an eating program that is nutritionally supportive for their child’s needs.
Through the proper food choices, proper cooking methods and proper eating habits, the digestive unrest can be settled!
The goal of this support group is to inform, empower and reach out with the message of “creating health instead managing disease”.
I have invited the parents to share their thoughts and inspirations here on this blog. Please check back soon for their stories.