Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Body’s Regenerating Powers

I’m increasingly fascinated by the body’s regenerating powers. I have been teaching and guiding people to a healthier life for over 20 yrs. now and still the most exuberant feeling comes over me when their body begins to change after very basic and simple diet and lifestyle changes. Good food, good water, proper breathing and eating, proper exercise and a life with purpose seems to be the winning formula as detailed in this informative video. http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_buettner_how_to_live_to_be_100.html

So why is this so difficult to achieve in modern society?

We have become a robotic society that follows the path of ease and impatience. A lifestyle change requires time and effort. The moment you make the decision that “something has got to change” the internal struggle begins. You know you have to make these changes and it forces you to interrupt the habits you have already formed.

Is it worth it?

Just ask my dear friend who got diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 3wks. ago. She immediately called me to discuss her options. I advised her to start macrobiotics in order to change her physical environment while she decided on her medical protocol. She started the macrobiotic program immediately. Now just 2 ½ weeks later, her tumor has shrunk from 1.5cm to 1.3cm and the surrounding lymph nodes don’t look as inflamed.

Or ask the 15yr.old young man, who has been weak and in pain for over a year now enduring the attacks of Crohn’s disease, with very little relief from the harsh chemical drugs. His whole family embraced the lifestyle change by cleaning out the pantry and learning about new foods prepared in a new way, in order to help him through his Crohn’s disease. Now into the second week of following the macrobiotic protocol he is eating a variety of foods, feeling stronger and filled with hope.


Give good food a chance!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birthday Celebration of a Healing Life

In my last blog I spoke about utilizing significant dates in your life to motivate action.

My birth date has been a frequent motivator for me. Let me count the ways. The most significant… obviously, was the beginning of life breathing and existing outside the womb. Then, in my younger years, it meant starting a new diary with new ideas and stories on crisp new pages. Later, my birth date became about starting new disciplines such as studying more, training more and saving money for a car. Later it became a date to dread because it meant “another year older”.

But, it took on a new meaning when I was told that due to my incurable illnesses these birth dates would be shortened. Suffering through pain and anguish, my birth date became a goal to reach each yea. To make it to the next one filled my daily thoughts.

Then, never was my birth date more significant as when I decided to begin to create a healthy life. My birth date has become a celebration of life! The years have passed quickly as I enjoy my healthy life actualizing my dreams as a wife, mother, author and teacher. I look forward to each birth date as another chance to be grateful for finding my healing path 30 years ago. After all, it was on that birth date that I cleaned out my pantry and began feeding myself “a healthy life”. It was this experience that outlined my life calling to become the voice and guide for others to find their healing path.

And, to continue in the same birth date tradition, once again I have chosen January 8, 2010 to launch my new website www.youcanhealyou.com I think the name says it all and it seems that the planetary influences agree. My horoscope for this date is (translated from the Spanish magazine Vanidades) “Pluto continues its direct transit through Capricorn injecting positiveness and strength. Take advantage of this energy to realize changes in every aspect of your life or begin a new project. Everything you attempt in this moment will have success. It is a good time for travel”.

Who am I to go against Pluto?
Happy Year to all!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolution - Some Like 'Em, Some Dont

New Year’s Resolutions, some like them some don’t. Personally, I like them. I’ve always been a person who needs a plan for my plan of action. This is important for me especially when it comes to life changing decisions. A life changing decision means an action that will impact your life in a new way to create new results. After all why would we want to put energy into something that will create the same results? Creating DIFFERENT results is the goal.

Let’s break it down. The ”resolution” is the decision to create an action. The action requires a plan. The plan of action is the means to that goal. When you take the time to plan, you create the energy at many levels. In new thought science, or the law of attraction, it is believed that the intention is what begins the movement toward the action and that the action is the manifestation of the thought. The manifestation is the tangible or the measurable goal. The resolution may start with big actions or small actions. Some peoples’ personality is to jump right in with a big action once they decide something, while others need small steps that lead to the main action. But whether you like to jump in with both feet or if you prefer baby steps, having a starting point is the most important and a significant motivator of when to actually make the jump. This is where the “new year” comes in.

In the book Getting Things Done by David Allen he introduces the horizontal and vertical concepts to planning or “action management”. Simply put, horizontal planning is the idea and all the components that need to come together to reach the desired goal. Vertical planning is the focused action steps required to start. One is the idea and the other is the action. The idea carries feelings of excitement and motivation-it’s an abstract concept of something that is desired. The action steps carry feelings of dedication and responsibility. Both require motivation. And, what is more motivating as a starting time line than a significant date in your life?

These specific dates carry a lot of motivating energy. For example, you are always aware of them and many times they create a feeling of change and you think to yourself "I Need To Do Something Different". For me, it keeps procrastination to the minimum. So whether it’s a new- year, a birthday or the beginning of a new season, just pick the date and start. Start with a 3 week commitment outline on how, when, and where you will begin. For example, say you are intending to make changes with a dietary or an exercise program, in 3 weeks you create changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Physically you change your blood quality to become more oxygenated and alkaline for better cellular and immune support. Mentally you increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain for clarity of thinking. Emotionally you increase the dopamine and serotonin levels which are the feel good chemical hormones that support the feeling of well being. This is an example of taking small steps to achieve a better long term result. Is it worth the effort? ….heck yeah!

One of my significant life changing experiences was when I made the decision to change my nourishment, diet, and the way I viewed food to the macrobiotic concept. I started on my birthday, Jan 8 in 1980. I had my ups and I had my downs, but I did best when I was able to set small goals for myself and not overwhelm myself with unreachable goals. It changed me physically, mentally and emotionally and now 30 years later I live a disease-free, healthy and happy life! And I was able to achieve this through small goals and resolutions. This year’s resolution?..... to increase my yoga practice by 5 extra minutes a day, chew my food 10 extra times and to blog consistently!

Happy 2010!