Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birthday Celebration of a Healing Life

In my last blog I spoke about utilizing significant dates in your life to motivate action.

My birth date has been a frequent motivator for me. Let me count the ways. The most significant… obviously, was the beginning of life breathing and existing outside the womb. Then, in my younger years, it meant starting a new diary with new ideas and stories on crisp new pages. Later, my birth date became about starting new disciplines such as studying more, training more and saving money for a car. Later it became a date to dread because it meant “another year older”.

But, it took on a new meaning when I was told that due to my incurable illnesses these birth dates would be shortened. Suffering through pain and anguish, my birth date became a goal to reach each yea. To make it to the next one filled my daily thoughts.

Then, never was my birth date more significant as when I decided to begin to create a healthy life. My birth date has become a celebration of life! The years have passed quickly as I enjoy my healthy life actualizing my dreams as a wife, mother, author and teacher. I look forward to each birth date as another chance to be grateful for finding my healing path 30 years ago. After all, it was on that birth date that I cleaned out my pantry and began feeding myself “a healthy life”. It was this experience that outlined my life calling to become the voice and guide for others to find their healing path.

And, to continue in the same birth date tradition, once again I have chosen January 8, 2010 to launch my new website I think the name says it all and it seems that the planetary influences agree. My horoscope for this date is (translated from the Spanish magazine Vanidades) “Pluto continues its direct transit through Capricorn injecting positiveness and strength. Take advantage of this energy to realize changes in every aspect of your life or begin a new project. Everything you attempt in this moment will have success. It is a good time for travel”.

Who am I to go against Pluto?
Happy Year to all!

1 comment:

  1. Ginny, I really like the idea of other significant dates, not just "New Years". Wanting to start in the direction of a new healthy life?? Don't wait for New Years, make TODAY the beginning of a new year, YOUR new year.
    Blessings upon all you attempt this year!!!
